Warriors, today we hosted Ms. Rachna Sharma, the founder and president of Phuro Innovations Organization from India, on our program. We had an in-depth discussion with her regarding issues related to Ecological Peace. She acknowledged that humanity faces serious challenges ahead. She mentioned that climate change poses dangers to all of us. She emphasized that our children, as well as every one of us, breathe this polluted toxic air as a result of climate change.
These are creating serious problems and consequences for humanity and public health making it public emergency.

Ms. Sharma congratulated the Azerbaijani state, government, and people for organizing COP29 at such a high level.
She emphasized the importance of reducing carbon emission’s to hold the temperatures to 1.5 degrees, highlighting that discussions on this issue taking place in Baku are significant.
She noted that it’s not only about states but also about organizations like hers. She provided information about her organization, stating that significant responsibilities lie with organizations like theirs to demonstrate the seriousness of the situation resulting from climate change.
Our guest from India also spoke about the importance of increasing financial support in this field by international organizations, emphasizing the necessity of taking real actions.
She stated that these issues cannot be ignored, and there must be definite financial allocations. Additionally, she mentioned some countries are violating Outer Space Governance which will rise the earths temperature further.
However, she pointed out that there should be a “red line,” especially concerning the excessive launching of satellites into space.
She remarked that France’s absence from the event was connected to Azerbaijan’s recent liberation of its territories from Armenian occupation after 30 years. She emphasized that COP29 is not about discussing political issues but rather the consequences of climate change, which concerns all humanity.
Therefore, everyone should take responsibility and act accordingly.
Ms. Rachna Sharma also shared her thoughts on Azerbaijan’s organizational efforts.
She stressed that a country actively participating in these processes with proactive initiatives and taking tangible steps should receive even more support.
We thank Ms. Rachna Sharma, the President of Phuro Innovations from India, once again for her insights and participation. Thank you.
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