The Kashmir Truth - Rachna Sharma
We need peaceful politicians, it will encourage them to think differently and articulate it to their families & societies. World's biggest revolutions have never taken[…]
The main demand of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan is constitutional status for the region as a fifth province of Pakistan. However, Pakistan claims that Gilgit-Baltistan[…]
The 2010 Chatham House opinion poll of Azad Kashmir's people found that overall concerns about human rights abuses in 'Azad Kashmir' was 19%.
After the election of Bogra as PM of Pakistan he met Nehru in London. Post second meeting in Delhi the two sides agreed to hold[…]
Upon the Governor General Lord Mountbatten's insistence, India required the Maharaja to accede before it could send troops to Jammu & Kashmir.
India has been torn apart by leaders owing to their malpractices and antagonism. If there is one solid and non-corruptible leader in present times, it[…]
\What does Article 370 have to say about the disputed territory of Kashmir, one of the most contentious issues between India and Pakistan?